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str_replace : menghapus semua karakter spasi
syntax :
str_replace("string_expression1", "string_expression2", "string_expression3")
Contoh :
$text = "Jakarta Adalah Ibukota Indonesia";
$hasil = str_replace(" ","", $text);
$rawstring = "Your replacement is a pleasure to have!";
$malestr = str_replace("replacement", "son", $rawstring);
echo "Sebelum = " . $text . "<br>";
echo "Sesudah = " . $hasil . "<br><br>";
echo "Sebelum : Son = " . $rawstring . "<br>";
echo "Sesudah : Son = " . $malestr . "<br>";
Output :
Sebelum = Jakarta Adalah Ibukota Indonesia
Sesudah = JakartaAdalahIbukotaIndonesia
Sebelum : Son = Your replacement is a pleasure to have!
Sesudah : Son = Your son is a pleasure to have!
Labels: PHP